Molekülorbitaltheorie | molecular orbital theory |
Molekülorbital | molecular orbital |
Molekularbiologie | molecular biology |
Molekularbiologe | molecular biologist |
Molekularbiologin | molecular biologist |
Kategorientheorie | category theory |
Molekulardynamik | molecular dynamics |
Molekulargenetik | molecular genetics |
Relativitätstheorie | theory of relativity |
Zelltheorie | cell theory |
Urknalltheorie | Big Bang Theory |
Knotentheorie | knot theory |
Automatentheorie | automata theory |
Evolutionstheorie | theory of evolution |
Hohlwelttheorie | hollow-Earth theory |
Musiktheorie | music theory |
Superstringtheorie | superstring theory |
Molekülwolke | molecular cloud |
molekular | molecular molecularly |
Olefinmetathese | olefin metathesis |