käuflich | buyable purchasable bribable |
Käuflichkeit | venality |
Auflicht | impinging light incident light reflected light |
baulich | structural architectonic |
häuslich | domestic |
räumlich | spatial |
tauglich | suitable qualified fit service |
Kausch | cringle |
verkäuflich | saleable |
Kaufsucht | shopaholism shopping addiction |
Aufsicht | oversight supervision supervisor |
beruflich | professional occupational vocational |
teuflisch | devilish diabolic |
dörflich | rural |
gräflich | comital |
reiflich | mature |
höfflich | promising to be rich |
höflich | polite courteous suave debonair |
tariflich | according by negotiation negotiated tariff standard |
-ähnlich | -like |