Amtsgericht | district court county court local court |
Reisgericht | pilaff rice dish rice pilaf |
Amtssprache | official language |
Amtszeit | tenure term term of office incumbency |
Arbeitsgericht | labor court labour court |
ausgedacht | fictional |
ausgemacht | consummate |
ausgesucht | delicate |
Aasgeruch | cadaveric odor carrion odor odor of carrion odor of decomposition |
ausgekocht | sly cunning |
Hauptgericht | main dish main course |
Vorgericht | starter |
Femegericht | Vehmic |
Gericht | court court of law dish |
Landgericht | Land court district court regional court |
Angesicht | face countenance visage |
Atomgewicht | atomic mass |
amtswegig | ex officio |
Amtsarzt | public health officer |
Amtsdeutsch | officialese |