Blutlache | pool of blood puddle of blood |
Blutrache | vendetta blood feud |
Bluträcher | blood avenger |
Blutwäsche | hemodialysis |
Blütenachse | receptacle |
Blutbahn | circulatory system |
Blutkuchen | blood clot |
Flutlicht | floodlight |
Bildfläche | screen scene |
Blattfläche | foliage area leaf lamina |
Blutfehde | vendetta |
Blutplasma | blood plasma |
Blutsauger | gadfly vampire sucker bloodsucker |
Blutsbande | blood |
Blücher | blucher |
blutarm | bloodless |
Bluetooth | Bluetooth |
Blut lecken | taste blood |
Blutbad | bloodbath massacre carnage |
Blutbank | blood bank |