Erdmasse | earth mass |
Erdmaus | field vole |
Grimasse | grimace |
en masse | en masse |
Erdmandel | chufa |
Erdachse | axis of the earth |
Erdeessen | geophagia geophagy |
Erdgas | natural gas |
Erdmantel | earth's mantle |
Erdnuss | peanut |
Erdwärme | geothermal energy geothermal heat geothermy |
Brandmasse | choux pastry |
Landmasse | landmass |
Biomasse | biomass |
Masse | mass crowd bulk lot ground earth |
Versmaß | meter metre |
dermaßen | in such a way so to such an extent |
Erlassen | injunction |
erlassen | issue enact publish let off release from remit |
Erlaß | injunction |
Erlass | decree abatement enactment |