Erwerb | acquisition job profession learning purchase acquirement |
erwerben | acquire attain |
erwerbslos | jobless unemployed |
ererbt | inherited |
Erwerbsleben | working life |
erweckt | awakened |
erwerbsfähig | employable |
Erwerbszweig | branch of business |
Erwin | Irvin Irwin Irving |
L1-Erwerb | L1 acquisition first language acquisition |
L2-Erwerb | L2 acquisition second language acquisition |
Verweis | reference referal expulsion rebuke reprehension reprimand reproof |
derweil | meanwhile in the meantime in the meanwhile meantime while whilst |
erwidern | reply reciprocate |
Orwell | Orwell |
Barwert | cash value present value |
Kehrwert | reciprocal reciprocal value |
Mehrwert | surplus value |
Uhrwerk | clockwork |
-wert | -able |