Faust | fist Faust |
Fäustel | club hammer drilling hammer lump hammer |
Faustfick | fist-fuck |
Fäustling | mitten |
Faustball | fistball |
Faustkeil | biface chopper |
faustdick | big fist fist-sized blatant blunt downright outright plain full-blown huge massive significant |
faustisch | Faustian |
Frust | frustration |
Faun | faun |
Fauna | fauna |
Faustkampf | fist fight fistfight pugilism |
Faustpfand | pledge |
Faustregel | rule of thumb |
Fäule | decay rot |
faul | rotten lazy idle slothful |
infaust | infaust |
Haus- | indoor |
Tausi | grand |
Aus | end touch |
aus | over off out of from of |