Graphentheorie | graph theory |
Gruppentheorie | group theory |
Dramentheorie | dramatic theory |
Quantentheorie | quantum theory |
Zahlentheorie | theory of numbers |
Gruppentherapie | group therapy |
Knotentheorie | knot theory |
Mengentheorie | set theory |
Wellentheorie | wave model wave theory |
Spieltheorie | game theory |
Sprachtheorie | linguistic theory theory of language |
Grammatiktheorie | grammar |
Graphikerin | graphic designer |
Graphitfluorid | graphite fluoride |
Taphephobie | taphephobia |
Krähenbeere | crowberry |
Präsentatorin | presenter |
Pongidentheorie | Pongidae hypothesis |
Eichtheorie | gauge theory |
Chaostheorie | chaos theory |