Hexspruch | hex |
Denkspruch | proverb |
Freispruch | acquittal |
Anspruch | demand claim |
Ausspruch | saying observation pronouncement pronounciation remark utterance |
Einspruch | protest |
Gespräch | conversation talk |
Neusprech | Newspeak |
Spruch | saying verdict |
Sprüche | Proverbs |
Wahlspruch | motto |
Eisprung | ovulation |
Funkspruch | radio message |
Widerspruch | contradiction protest appeal |
Ausbruch | escape outbreak eruption break-out |
Beinbruch | bone fracture |
Ehebruch | adultery |
Eidbruch | perjury |
Einbruch | burglary housebreaking breach break and entery breaking and entering incursion onset drop nosedive slump break-in infraction |
Geruch | odour smell odor scent |