Hochkultur | advanced civilization |
Hochaltar | high altar |
Hortikultur | horticulture |
Popkultur | popular culture |
Monokultur | monoculture |
Hochbunker | blockhouse |
Höchster | Most High |
höchster | supreme |
hochhalten | juggle |
hochrüsten | upgrade |
Hochmut | pride arrogance |
Hochzeiter | bridegroom bridal couple |
hochkant | standing upright |
hochmütig | haughty arrogant |
Sprachkultur | language culture speech culture culture of language culture of speech |
Hydrokultur | hydroponics |
Rapskultur | rape culture |
Repskultur | rape culture |
Aquakultur | aquaculture |
Kultur | culture civilization |