Hochmoor | high moor moor moorland |
Hochmoore | raised bog |
Höchster | Most High |
höchster | supreme |
Hochmut | pride arrogance |
hochmodern | ultramodern |
Flachmoor | fen swamp |
homöo- | homeo- |
Torfmoor | peat bog |
Hochaltar | high altar |
Hochbett | bunk bed |
Hochkomma | apostrophe |
Hochlader | uploader |
Hochrad | penny farthing |
Hochsee | high seas |
Hochzahl | superscript exponent |
Hockklo | squat toilet |
Höchste | be-all and end-all |
Chochemer | criminal |
Hoch | anticyclone high culmination |
hoch | high tall to the to the power of extremely |