Landeshauptstadt | state capital capital |
Bundeshauptstadt | federal capital |
Landeshauptmann | Landeshauptmann |
Reichshauptstadt | imperial capital capital of the Reich |
Hauptstadt | capital capital city metropolis |
Landschaftsbau | landscaping |
Landstadt | small town |
Bundesstadt | Federal City |
Landepiste | landing strip |
Landhaus | country house |
Landesverrat | treason |
Landsmannschaft | homeland association |
Händeschütteln | handshake |
händeschütteln | shake |
Bundesautobahn | autobahn federal motorway highway |
Bundesstaat | federation federal state |
Alpenhauptkamm | Alpine divide main chain of the Alps |
Distrikthauptstadt | district capital |
Heimatstadt | hometown home town |
Badeanstalt | bath |