Luftgitarre | air guitar |
Bassgitarre | bass guitar |
Gitarre | guitar |
Luftklappe | damper |
Luftmasse | air mass |
luftmasse | airmass |
Luftmine | blockbuster |
Abluftgitter | exhaust air grille return air grille |
Luftblase | bubble air pocket bleb bubble of air |
Luftfahrt | aviation |
Luftfilter | air filter |
Luftgewehr | air gun air rifle |
Luftlinie | as the crow flies beeline |
Luftmatratze | air mattress |
Luftpirat | air pirate skyjacker |
Luftpistole | air pistol |
Luftröhre | trachea windpipe |
Luftwaffe | air force |
Zuluftgitter | inlet grille supply air grille |
Laufgitter | playpen |