Luftwechsel | air change change of air |
Wortwechsel | exchange of words |
Luftfeuchte | air humidity air moisture |
Luftrüssel | party horn |
Lufttechnik | air technology air treatment ventilation technology |
Luftwäscher | air washer |
Fruchtwechsel | crop rotation |
Kodewechsel | code-switching |
Solawechsel | promissory note |
Stufenwechsel | consonant gradation |
Radwechsel | wheel change |
Stoffwechsel | metabolism |
Wechsel | change exchange bill of exchange draft |
auswechseln | exchange change substitute |
aufwachsen | grow up |
Luft-Schiff | air-to-ship |
Luftdusche | hairdryer |
Luftgeist | sylph |
Luftmasse | air mass |
luftmasse | airmass |