Nebenbuch | subledger |
Nebenfach | minor |
Gebetbuch | prayer book |
Nebensache | incident |
Nebentisch | coffee table |
Nebbich | nebbish twaddle fluff hooey rubbish tommyrot tosh |
nebbich | unfortunately so what |
nebenbei | in passing incidentally |
Neuenburg | Neuchâtel |
Totenbuch | Book of the Dead |
Lesebuch | primer reader reading book storybook |
Regelbuch | rulebook |
Nabelbruch | umbilical hernia |
Neben- | collateral |
neben- | ancillary bi- |
Nebenwort | adverb |
Nebelung | November |
Nebenberuf | avocation sideline |
Nebenblatt | stipule |
Nebenbuhler | rival |