Nocebo | nocebo |
Nocken | cam |
Nöck | nix |
Nocke | nock |
noch | yet still nor |
Cebu | Cebu |
Placebo | placebo |
Notebook | notebook |
Knochen- | skeletal |
knochig | bony |
nochmal | again |
Gynoeceum | gynaeceum gynaecium gynecium gynoecium |
Knochen | bone dog bone spanner dog bone wrench |
Knöchel | ankle knuckle |
Oinochoe | oenochoe |
knöchern | bony cold |
nochall | that is to say however completely quite right very absolutely actually really truly |
Oceana | Oceana |
Facebook | |
Plazebo | placebo |