Rotschnabelalk | parakeet auklet |
Schnabelwal | beaked whale |
Rotschenkel | common redshank |
Glattschnabelani | smooth-billed ani |
Goldschnabelralle | paint-billed crake |
Grünschnabel | greenhorn |
Schnabel | beak bill pecker |
schnäbeln | bill bill and coo |
vorschnell | hastily premature rash |
Brotschieber | peel |
Rotlichtbezirk | red-light district |
Brotscheibe | slice of bread |
Rotfuchsfell | red fox fur |
Rotluchsfell | bobcat fur |
Rotschwanz | redstart pale tussock |
Kotschaufel | pooper scooper |
Totschlägerin | killer |
totschlagen | swat settle |
Totschlag | manslaughter |
Totschläger | killer manslayer |