Satisfaktionslehre | doctrine of satisfaction |
Satisfaktion | satisfaction |
Ionisationsröhre | ionisation tube ionization tube |
Evolutionslehre | evolutionary theory |
Kassationshof | court of cassation |
Sensationsmache | sensationalism |
Sensationspresse | sensational press |
Navigationsgerät | GPS receiver |
stationieren | deploy |
stigmatisieren | stigmatize |
stigmatisiert | stigmatized |
Gravitationslinse | gravitational lens |
Gravitationswelle | gravitational wave |
Mathematiklehrer | teacher of mathematics |
Rotationsachse | axis of rotation |
sanktionieren | sanction |
Absorptionslinie | absorption line |
Abstammungslehre | descension theory evolutionary theory |
Sensationsreporter | paparazzo |
satirisieren | satirize |