Sinn und Verstand | rhyme or reason |
Unverstand | foolishness |
Finanzvorstand | CFO chief financial officer |
Sinti und Roma | Rom |
Sinus versus | versed sine |
sinnverwandt | synonymous |
Binnenversal | CamelCase |
dann und wann | now and then |
Yin und Yang | yin-yang |
hin und her | back and forth |
Hin und Her | back and forth |
Hans und Franz | Tom, Dick and Harry |
fix und fertig | exhausted |
bei Verstand | lucid |
Hausverstand | common sense |
Sachverstand | expertise |
Unterstand | cabana refuge |
Blindwiderstand | reactance reactive part of impedance |
Widerstand | resistance resistor |
Wirkwiderstand | active resistance actual resistance effective resistance |