Sonderangebot | bargain special offer exceptional offer |
Doppelangebot | twofer |
Sonderausgabe | additional expenses extra expenses |
Sonderrecht | privilege |
Stundengebet | Divine Office Liturgy of the Hours canonical hours |
Webangebot | website |
Lockangebot | bait advertising |
Stellenangebot | job offer |
Sonnenanbeter | sun worshipper |
Sonderling | eccentric queer fellow singular man |
Sonderpreis | exceptional price special price special reduced price |
Sonderzug | chartered train special train |
Sondierung | sounding probe |
Sonnenglast | glare |
Sonnengott | god of the sun sun god |
Sonorant | sonorant |
sonderbar | strange peculiar |
sondern | but but rather separate |
Honduranerin | Honduran |
Honduraner | Honduran |