Sprechstundenhilfe | receptionist |
Sprechstunde | office hours |
Sprachsünde | solecism |
Sprechsilbe | phonetic syllable |
Sprachenkundige | polyglot |
Sprachteil | part of speech |
Sprechmuschel | mouthpiece |
Sprachenschule | language school |
Sprachschule | language school |
Sprachstil | style of speech |
Sprachsynthese | speech synthesis |
Sprachtheorie | linguistic theory theory of language |
Sprachuniversalie | language universal universal of language |
Sprachunterricht | language teaching |
Sprachwandel | language change, linguistic change |
Sprechakttheorie | speech act theory |
Sprechsituation | speech situation |
Sprechsprache | spoken language |
Sprechweise | way of speaking |
sechsundachtzig | eighty-six |