Stechapfelzell | burr cell |
Stechapfel | thorn-apple |
Stempelgeld | unemployment benefit |
Stechbeitel | bevelled-edge chisel |
Stechfliege | gadfly |
Stechpalme | holly |
sternhagelvoll | blotto dead drunk drunk as a skunk drunk as hell three sheets in the wind three sheets to the wind |
Schafsfell | sheepskin |
Schaffell | sheepskin |
Schakalfell | jackal fur |
Sichelzelle | sickle cell |
Schläferzelle | sleeper cell |
Stechbecken | bedpan |
Stechheber | valinch |
Stechhülse | holly |
Stehapplaus | standing ovation |
Stehbeifall | standing ovation |
Stehplätze | terrace |
Stehwelle | standing wave |
stehende Welle | standing wave |