Todesursache | cause of death |
Todesmarsch | death march |
Todeswunsch | death wish |
Tonsprache | tone language |
tote Sprache | dead language |
Todesgruppe | group of death |
Todestrakt | death row |
Todesstrafe | death penalty capital punishment |
Todesurteil | death sentence |
Brandursache | cause of a fire |
Ursache | cause reason |
keine Ursache | don't mention it you are welcome no worries |
verursachen | cause |
Widersacher | adversary |
Folgesprache | daughter language |
Hochsprache | standard language |
Sondersprache | idiom sublanguage |
Tiersprache | animal communication |
Tongasprache | Tongan |
Totenwache | deathwatch |