Völkerstraftat | international crime international illegal act international offence international tort |
Völkerschaft | tribe |
Volkstracht | national costume |
Vorbestrafter | compromised |
Volkstrauertag | Memorial Day Remembrance Day |
Völkerrecht | international law law of nations public international law |
Völkerschlacht | Battle of Leipzig Battle of the Nations |
Körperstrafe | corporal punishment |
Oberstaat | suzerain |
Vorstrafe | previous conviction |
schwere Straftat | felony |
Straftat | criminal act |
Volkssprache | vernacular |
Volkstradition | folklore |
Volatilität | volatility |
Volksfest | fair folk festival |
Volksstamm | tribe |
Volkstanz | folk dance |
Vollkorntoast | whole-grain toast |
Völkerball | dodgeball |