Verhaltensforschung | behavioural research ethology |
Verhaltensforscher | ethologist behavior scientist |
Verhaltensforscherin | behavior scientist ethologist |
Alternsforschung | gerontology |
Universalienforschung | universal |
Sterbensforschung | deathlore |
Friedensforschung | irenology peace research peace studies |
Frauenforschung | women's studies |
Höhlenforschung | speleology |
Vertrauensvorschuss | credit of trust leap of faith |
Weißseinsforschung | whiteness studies |
Aktionsforschung | action research |
Chaosforschung | chaos theory |
Ahnenforschung | genealogy |
Sexualforschung | sexology |
Dialektforschung | dialect research |
Namenforschung | onomatology |
Runenforschung | runology |
Verhaltensmuster | behavioural pattern |
Verhältnisformel | empirical formula |