Wortliste | word list list of words |
Wörterliste | wordlist |
Wettliste | book |
Warteliste | queue |
Wortklasse | part of speech |
Wortlaut | wording |
Wortlänge | word length |
Wortwitz | play on words pun wordplay |
wörtlich | literal verbatim |
Shortlist | short list |
Hitliste | chart |
Lohnliste | payroll |
Wurmkiste | worm bin worm box |
Wortart | part of speech |
Wortfolge | word order |
Worthülse | catchword empty phrase empty word shell |
Wortwolke | tag cloud word cloud |
Cortison | cortisone |
Hortensie | hydrangea |
Vortitel | half title |