Wortstamm | stem |
Ortsname | toponym place name placename |
Hirnstamm | brain stem |
o-Stamm | o-stem |
Forstamt | forestry office |
Wortart | part of speech |
Wortlaut | wording |
Wortschatz | vocabulary word-hoard |
Wortspiel | play on words pun wordplay |
Wortwahl | choice of word choice of words word choice wording |
wortkarg | taciturn untalkative silent |
Ortsteil | district |
Ortstein | hardpan |
Wertstoff | recyclable material |
Wirtshaus | inn |
Notstand | state of emergency |
Waitstate | wait state |
Weltstadt | metropolis world city |
i-Stamm | i-stem |
u-Stamm | u-stem |