Zeilenumbruch | line break newline |
Zeilensprung | enjambment |
Zehnerbruch | decimal fraction |
Beinbruch | bone fracture |
Einbruch | burglary housebreaking breach break and entery breaking and entering incursion onset drop nosedive slump break-in infraction |
Kettenbruch | continued fraction |
Leistenbruch | inguinal hernia |
Eigengeruch | individual scent |
Zeilennummer | line number |
Zeilenvorschub | line feed |
Eilmarsch | forced march |
Umbruch | upheaval make-up word wrap |
Freudenausbruch | agony |
Treuebruch | defection |
Deichbruch | dike break dike burst |
Ehebruch | adultery |
Eidbruch | perjury |
Eisenbrücke | iron bridge |
Kieferbruch | broken jaw fracture of the jaw jaw fracture |
Steinbruch | quarry |