Zimtapfel | sugar apple |
Bratapfel | baked apple |
Mostapfel | cider apple |
Kienapfel | pine cone |
Zankapfel | apple of discord bone of contention |
Zipfel | panhandle |
Zeittafel | timeline |
Zimbel | zill |
Zimtsäure | cinnamic acid |
umtaufen | rebaptize |
Mixtape | mixtape |
Stapel | pile heap stack |
stapfen | plod tramp trudge |
tapfer | brave valiant courageous valorous stalwart |
Bisamapfel | pomander |
Bitterapfel | colocynth |
Rahmapfel | sugar apple |
Sporapfel | service tree |
Adamsapfel | Adam's apple |
Apfel | apple apple tree |