das Maß aller Dinge | the measure of all things |
Maß aller Dinge | be-all and end-all |
das Maß ist voll | enough is enough |
das ist aber schade | what a pity |
das ist alles | that's it |
das Maul halten | shut up |
aus voller Lunge | at the top of one's lungs |
Sicht der Dinge | paradigm |
das Rad neu erfinden | reinvent the wheel |
das sagt der Richtige | people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones |
Busmastering | bus mastering |
Spaßmacherin | jester |
am allermeisten | most of all |
Fußballerin | footballer |
Marshalling | marshalling |
Primaballerina | prima ballerina |
Basketballerin | basketball player |
allerdings | however absolutely certainly |
Marseiller Seife | Marseille soap |
Schaustellerin | showwoman carny |