Blutgeruch | blood odor |
Blutdruck | blood pressure |
Bluter | haemophiliac hemophiliac bleeder |
Bluterguss | bruise |
Blutgefäß | blood vessel |
Blutgeld | blood money |
Blutgruppe | blood type blood group |
Blutrache | vendetta blood feud |
Blutrausch | bloodlust murderous frenzy |
Blutruf | blood curse |
Blutverlust | blood loss |
Blutzeuge | martyr |
Plutarch | Plutarch |
lutherisch | Lutheran |
Aasgeruch | cadaveric odor carrion odor odor of carrion odor of decomposition |
Baugerüst | scaffolding |
Gasgeruch | smell of gas |
Geruch | odour smell odor scent |
Mundgeruch | bad breath halitosis |
Wohlgeruch | fragrance |