Blutzeuge | martyr |
Blutfehde | vendetta |
Blutsauger | gadfly vampire sucker bloodsucker |
Blutegel | leech |
Blutzehnt | tithe |
Bettzeug | bedclothes bedding bed linen |
Zeitzeuge | contemporary witness living witness to history |
Taufzeuge | godfather |
Flugzeug | aeroplane airplane plane aircraft |
Blattauge | leaf bud |
Blunze | blood sausage |
Blunzen | blood sausage |
Blutdruck | blood pressure |
Bluter | haemophiliac hemophiliac bleeder |
Blutgeld | blood money |
Blutgeruch | blood odor |
Blutgruppe | blood type blood group |
Bluthund | Bloodhound |
Blutlache | pool of blood puddle of blood |
Blutmangel | lack of blood |